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Participant Sign Contest

Calling all Creatives:

Brooklyn Microgrid is looking for a new Participant Sign for homeowners and businesses to hang in their windows.  These signs are displayed prominently at the front of stores or in the windows of homes, and are seen by thousands of people everyday!

BMG Bob Ross contest.jpg

When is the contest?

The contest is open and submissions are due by Jan 1st 2019 at 11:59 PM EST

What are the rules?

Follow Brooklyn Microgrid on Twitter and Facebook, Use our brand guidelines below to design your own Participant sign and submit to by Jan 1st!

How do I submit my art?

Please submit as a PDF, but the art can be made on computer, by hand, painting, drawing, ultimately the sign will be printed out on a 8.5x11 inch poster board so the clearer the better.

How do I know if I my art is selected?

After we look over all the submissions, we will announce the winner on Twitter and Facebook. We will contact the winner via the information provided with their submission.

Is there compensation?

There is no cash prize, however; our mission is to promote local businesses and community and you are part of that community! The winner's art will be displayed on our website, on social media and throughout hundreds of windows in Brooklyn, NY.

Contest Guidelines:

  1. Must contain Brooklyn Microgrid logo

  2. Must say "Brooklyn Microgrid Participant"

  3. Must have our website URL (

  4. Must use our brand colors

  5. Must use Montserrat font

  6. Be creative!

BMG color palette.PNG

Our current sign:

Our Logo:

Copy of BKMG-badge.jpg
BMG - logo- transparent.png
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